Saya telah membangunkan lebih daripada 300+ projek-projek dan jumlah itu sentiasa bertambah.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh projek.

** Penambahan baru pada Ogos 26, 2020

  1. ** Data scrapping from website (Python, pandas - Python Data Analysis Library)
  2. ** Data Visualization Project to visualize paragraph of texts and provide some user interactions (d3.js, Javascript, jQuery, Boostrap)
  3. ** Data extraction/filteration from list of csv (comma separated variable) files (Python)
  4. ** Child safety Android app to be install on both parent and children's handphone (with permissions) to keep track of children current travel speed and send warning to parent when a preset speed limit triggered. (Android, Java)
  5. ** A web app that allow management to keep track of borrowed equipment and send reminder if the equipment borrowing time is overdue. (PHP, MySQL)
  6. ** An Android parking lot finder with map for very specific premise, availability of parking lot are manually updated by admin from server side. (Android, Java)
  7. ** An online portal to allow tuition center operator and also students to better manage the time table and also notes materials. (PHP, MySQL)
  8. ** Driver education Android app where questions and multiple answers quizzes with images are given to test driver's traffic signboards knowledge (Android, Java)
  9. ** Trademarks Management System where owner keep track of expiration dates of each product's trademarks and get notification before it's expiry date. (PHP, MySQL, Laravel 5.1)
  10. OCR ( Optical Characters Recognition ) desktop program to recognize text from images to automate web form submission, using library on Dot Net platform ( C#.Net, SQlite)
  11. Face Recognition desktop program and website using webcam to identify user's identity to record attendance. (C#.Net)
  12. NFC enable Android app to read and write data in NFC tags (Android, Java)
  13. Child location tracking apps usng gps and map, parents can track their child current location using this app (Android, Java)
  14. Custom clothing design Android app prototype (Android, Java)
  15. Company assets/tools tracking desktop program to allow managers to keep track of their mobilized assets (VB.Net)
  16. Custom desktop program to allow event organizer to keep track of scores for games (VB.Net)
  17. VBScript to automate the detection and analysis of log files contents for office workers (VBScript)
  18. Augmented Reality program using ARToolkit - A program that capture real time video with webcam and display 3D models (WRL) with predetermined markers ( C/C++ )
  19. Messaging and communication App for iPhone ( Cocoa, Objective-C )
  20. RSS Feed reader App for Android ( Java, Android SDK )
  21. BlackBerry application for viewing surveillance webcams. ( Java, BlackBerry 5.0.0 and 6.0.0 APIs )
  22. Java protocol simulation application using Piccolo2D with interactive 2D animations.( Java, Piccolo2D )
  23. Java JME/J2ME application for sending OBEX push message using bluetooth. ( Java, NetBean )
  24. Application for generating PCB components coordinates specification file using dynamically combined images map ( C++ )
  25. Daily income, expenses calculator for individual ( VB.NET, MSSQL Express 2005 )
  26. Ticket booking prototype system that enable client to book ticket using handphone and admin to manage data via browser. ( Java, J2ME, PHP, Apache, MySQL )
  27. Implementation of a program to capture QRCode using camera on handphone and save the decoded data to existing Contact Manager on handphone, using existing QRCode API ( Java, J2ME )
  28. A prototype system that calculate transport fee between 2 selected locations using touch screen enabled J2ME handphone ( Java, J2ME )
  29. Game Platform Accounts Management using Server and Client for Cyber Cafe ( VB.NET )
  30. MyKad Thumb Print Verification Program using IRIS hardware ( WinCE, C++, SQLite)
  31. Network Packets Simulator ( Java )
  32. Voting System via Bluetooth on Hanphone and PC ( Java, MySQL )
  33. Price Calculations and Quotations System For Machinaries ( VB.NET )
  34. Planar Homography Project ( Java )
  35. Project Quality Control Management System ( ASP.NET, VB.NET, MSSQl Express 2005 )
  36. Smartcard ( IRIS ) Reading and Writing System On Windows CE ( VB.NET, Oracle )
  37. RFID Smart Tag Reader/Writer Prototype ( Java, MySQL )
  38. SMS Gateway System For Maxis, Celcom, Digi ( Java, SOAP, MySQL )
  39. OCR ( Optical Characters Recognition ) System with JTWAIN Scanning ( Java, MySQL)
  40. Opensource Website/Projects customization ( Oscommerce, ZenCard, Moodle, Mambo, Joomla and etc )
  41. Online Leave Application System ( PHP, MySQL )
  42. Online Scheduling Portal ( PHP, MySQL )
  43. Webcam Surveillance System Portal ( PHP, MySQL )
  44. Hotel Reservation System ( VB.NET, MySQL )
  45. Pocket PC Parcel Tracking System ( VB.NET )
  46. Customized VOIP Application ( C,C++ )
  47. Video Streaming Server and Client ( VB.NET )
  48. Multiple Users Chat Client and Server ( VB.NET, Java )
  49. Payroll System with Multi-levels Commission ( VB.NET, MySQL )
  50. Bus Ticketing Information System ( ASP.NET, VB.NET )
  51. E-Business Cards Management System ( Java, J2ME, MySQL )
  52. Online Tuition System ( ASP )
  53. Peer-2-Peer File Sharing ( VB.NET )
  54. Network Packet Sniffing for PC ( C++ )
  55. J2ME Diary Management Program ( Java )
  56. J2ME Games ( Java )
  57. Movie Booking System using GSM modem ( VB.NET, MySQL )
  58. WAP Base Movie and Restaurant Booking System ( ASP.NET )
  59. Shopping Mall Inquiry System on Pocket PC ( VB.NET )
  60. Home Alarm System with LED Indicators ( VB.NET )
  61. Sport Clubs Web Portal ( PHP, MySQL )
  62. Shortest Path Algorithms ( Java )